A busy week leads to small number or miles run but tons of other exercise (I guess we can consider it cross-training) and it's a taper week with the Rock n' Roll Seattle half next week.
Monday was the standard 5 miles following the bike ride Sunday. 5 mi in 53:21 a 10:46 pace.
Monday night was late as we got the last of the packing done for our backpacking trip and it was pouring so I slept in an took Tuesday off.
Despite the late US world cup qualifier on Tuesday night that stretched into Wednesday morning I got up and and did the standard 5 mile run knowing i wouldn't have time to do so after work with the Revs FINALLY playing a game in Boston! 5 mi in 54:22 an 10:53 paceThursday, I not only went for a run but I ran around. Last minute packing and work made it half but I was able to fit in a down and back to John Harvard's before I grabbed a cab and headed out to Seattle! 3.5 mi in 38:36 an 11:03 pace.
Friday we took the ferry across the sound and headed out to Olympic national park for the first night under the stars. I wont get into much detail here as I'll recap it in my race report but man it was an experience spending the night off the beach near hole in the wall at Rialto beach. Cross training of 1.3 miles hiked.
Saturday we broke camp an headed back to the car and drove over to the Hoh river trail head where we hiked up to five mile island and made camp again at a beautiful spot along the river. 6.3 miles hiked
Sunday we broke camp again and headed back down the trail and over to Crescent Lake Lodge to get ready for Kayaking and Mountain Biking on Monday and more hiking on Tuesday! 5 miles hiked.
Miles run last week 13.5 (with plenty of hiking)
Miles run this year 299.4
Miles left to 1K in 2013: 700.6 (22.60 miles per week over the next 31 weeks up 0.29 from last week)
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